Wednesday, August 7, 2013

We're doing this (we're making it happen)

Heyo everyone,
ESP 7 finally arrived, so we can finally get this process started.  That's 27 days after I ordered from YesAsia.  As such, I don't expect to have the next chapter ready by the 10th.  I have a mere three chapters between now and February to do, which I find kind of sad.  This time we'll have nice typesetting courtesy of Twin Dragon or Village Idiot, time will tell...

In other news, please refrain from "Rinka/Azuma in [untranslated chapter XX] does YY". Everyone already misses them, but spoilers are still spoilers.  Zeusu looks like a pretty cool guy from what I can see, so give him a chance, even if the new girl seems strangely already over-powered. (what's with that...)


  1. Around when chapter 28 will be released?

    Can't wait for it.

  2. Replies
    1. I have my translations finished and checked for chapters 28+29, the proofreader will finish at least ch 28 in 1.5 weeks, and the cleaner has the chapters to work on. Work is being done, but not as fast as I had hoped.

    2. I really love this manga and appreciate all the hard works you guys put into it. Thank you so much.

  3. Having a bit of trouble getting it proofread, since the last proofreader didn't do as well as hoped and proofers seem to have become scarce at VI. But he have something typeset, so if we got really desperate...
